Wednesday, January 21, 2009

what the blog...

it's been sooo sooo very long. blog world. hmmm. i don't know what to say in this box. who will read it? Christmas was fun. January is here. Back to busy.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas is here!

Merry Christmas to the abandoned blog world. I don't mean to neglect this site but one must go with the newest fad, and we all know who the newest kid is on the see you in the facebook world.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

My little niece is now 4!

On May 11 Brielle turned four years old. What a little doll she is. Lately B has been into the Disney princesses. It showed...when about 3/4 of all her gifts had something do with one of them. Including the "Learning to draw" book I got her. Those princesses truly are timeless.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Feelings of Abandonment

I'm thinking that the blog world is experiencing major feelings of abandonment. This post is going to be short and sweet because I'm on my way over to Facebook...(hahaha) but, if you have happened upon this post and are feeling guilty for neglecting your commitment to blogging, here's your chance to at least reveal your faithful browsing...leave your mark with a quick "Hello, I'm still here. I haven't forgotten you, you poor soul." Jeepers, ever since this strength test I was asked to take for TCS I am even more aware of my strength of 'Empathy'. And now it has been exposed for an inanimate object that has no emotional attachment to us. It goes further yet, because now I am thinking of the person or persons who depend on this internet service, "BLOG", for their income which will then meet their basic needs. Great. What have we all done! Those poor unfortunate, cold, starving, and now DESOLATE souls.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

He loved me this much...

Out of town once again.

Boy, have I ever been on the move these last three weeks. First a small group of us girls from Trinity went to spend a relaxing weekend in Radium. Then, the following weekend marked the annual women's retreat out at SABC, which was hosted by 'us' the OEFC girls...which kept us running all weekend. (fun and exhausting all rolled into one). Finally, bringing me to this weekend. Easter weekend. I will be traveling with my sister Abbey and her two kids, along with a small convoy of two cars :) holding my mom and grandparents. Our destination: Herbert, Saskatchewan. Reason: my cousin Scott is getting married. I am excited about the wedding, who doesn't love weddings? But I'm also looking forward to the mini family reunion. I have also just started a twelve day stretch of no school...which is being met with lots of reading, sleeping-in (well at least not getting up at 5:30am), and self-scheduling. Ahhh. I better not get too used to this.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

SABC here we come!

This Friday we (the OEFC women) are heading down to SABC to transform it into a 2-day trip around the world. This year's annual women's retreat features "Relationships: Across the room and around the world"! I am so looking forward to this time of laughter, fun, fellowship and worship to the one true God, together with women from all across Alberta. OEFC women have put a lot of thought and effort into making this retreat just that, a retreat. Retreating from the everyday life and entering into a 'special' weekend that is different than the rest. With some rock'in door prizes. Let's leave behind our dishes, dirty clothes and dusty bookshelves and head towards God's open 'brown' land. I can already feel myself climbing to the top of the SABC hill with it's symbol of salvation (cross) upon it. Well, until my return then..."keep fit and have fun". (Don't know why that came out of me?)

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Report card week is not fun at all. Not that I expected it to be fun...but marking, commenting, evaluating, goal setting...the idea of it is fun (or was). It's a wee bit overwhelming for the first go around. I feel that I've learned so much this year, and the year is not over yet. I'm already looking forward to doing some things differently next school year. And, I'm trying to implement the things I've learned as I go along this year (which has been difficult since those kids are set in their ways, they’re like old people).

How much can a brain hold before it backflows? Some days I think it's already happening to me. My students laugh as I say one word and mean another. My brain is going faster (or slower) than my tongue, well that's my excuse anyway.

Honestly, just writing this post is exhausting and it's only 8:30pm (regular bed time is 10:00pm, the lights just go out, ha!). This bed time is only beat by my 'pregnant' sister Jen, who goes to be at 9:00pm. Yup, the Pinch family is growing by one. Love it!

Okay, I have a small stack of marking yet so...happy blog surfing.